The Solidity chronicles 1: Ethereum Currencies Unit
Solidity is the main language which is chosen to write Smart Contracts for Ethereum. Going forward I will assume that readers will have a basic amount of knowledge about Ethereum, Smart Contracts and solidity. The aim of Ethereum is to provide a platform where people can develop Decentralized Applications (DApps).
So, what do you need to know before you get started?
If you’ve heard of Ethereum, you will have heard about the currency unit, ether (also known as ETH or Ξ). The smallest possible value is wei. The table below shows the conversion values between the different units.
Value in wei | Name | SI Name |
1 | Wei | Wei |
103 | Babbage | Kilowei |
106 | Lovelace | Megawei |
109 | Shannon | Gigawei |
1012 | Szabo | microether or micro |
1015 | finney | Milliether or milli |
1018 | Ether | Ether |
1021 | Grand | Kiloether |
1024 | Mether | megaether |
There are several ways that a person can get Ether.
- By mining Ether
- By trading from one currency to Ether
- Using a wallet
We will discuss these in more detail in future articles.